March 28, 2015
Saturday of the 5th week of Lent
Jesus Changes Our Sense Of Unity
“He who scattered Israel, now
gathers them together.”
God can’t stand division. Through Ezekiel he says, “I will
make them one nation… Never again shall they be divided into two kingdoms…
There shall be one shepherd for them all.” And Jesus prayed for his disciples,
“that they may all be one. As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they
also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (John
The reason is that God is One. To be one is to be like God.
For a being even to exist, it must be one in itself: the four “transcendentals”
of being (characteristics that “transcend” all differences, that are common to
all beings, created and divine) are Being,
Oneness, Goodness and Truth
(Intelligibility). Because God is “One in Being,” whatever is from God must be
one with itself and in unity with everything else.
Unity does not mean uniformity. John Ruskin, a leading
English art critic of the Victorian era, describes “beauty” as “unity amid
variety.” God is One, but God is three distinct Persons. The way the Holy
Trinity can be One in Being but distinct as Persons gives us the key to unity
among humans.
In the Preface for the Holy Trinity we say God has
“revealed his glory” as “three Persons equal in majesty, undivided in
splendor.” The Three Persons are “equal” in that no one of them has anything
the others don’t have. There is no “plus or minus” in the Trinity.
“Undivided in splendor” means that no one of the Three
Persons shines more brightly than the others; none has more “prestige” or
receives more honor than the others. All are equally “adored and glorified.”
In finite, limited human beings, there is a “plus and
minus.” Some humans are “more” muscular than others, or “more” talented in one
way or another. We give people more honor and prestige because of something
they have that others don’t. And this is divisive. Because we don’t see all as
“equal in majesty,” all of us are “divided in splendor.” Some are set apart
from others as “stars” or celebrities; some are separated by protocol because
of the rank they hold in government, Church, business or the military. The rich
are given more respect than the poor, and “distance” themselves from the common
herd by living in exclusive neighborhoods, attending exclusive schools, belonging
to exclusive clubs, and in general living a lifestyle that by nature excludes
all those who can’t afford it. This is the way it is on earth; probably always
has been, presumably always will be.
But Jesus calls us to challenge that presumption. He prayed
to the Father that his disciples “may be one, as we are one,” which, we have
seen, means “equal in majesty, undivided in splendor.”
The different persons in the human race are not “one in
Being” as the Persons of the Trinity are. There will always be inequalities in
what philosophy calls “accidents,” meaning characteristics that can differ in
beings that have the same nature: like color, weight, nationality, even
artistic talents and I.Q. None of these change the intrinsic value a person has
as a human being, although popular opinion denies this.
The fact is, a mentally challenged child is just as
valuable and precious as an educated genius. An undeveloped fetus in the womb
is worth just as much as a fully developed adult. In God’s eyes, which are the
only ones that see “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth,” all
human beings are “equal in majesty,” because they are all equally human—and, if
reborn by grace, are equally divine children of God, the “highest” dignity
there is.
And all are equipped to contribute equally to the good of
the human race. If we don’t recognize this (and we don’t), it is because we
have a very selective—and false—definition of what is “good.” To take just one
example: who does more good for humanity: a ph
ysically or mentally challenged
child who evokes love from a continual procession of family members and
friends, or a football star who entertains millions on Sunday afternoons? Isn’t
it true that the football stars would be the first to say the child does? But
both are “equal in majesty,” because both are equally human and, by grace,
equally divine. And if both are contributing to the good of the world according
to their particular talents and gifts, who is to say their contributions are
not equal?
Radio Vaticana reports that in a Trinity Sunday talk (2014)
to the community of Sant’ Egidio in Rome:
Pope Francis went on to tie the
crisis among the young and the elderly in society to the “throw-away culture”
that drives and dominates globally. “In order to maintain such a [system], in
which, at the center of the world economy, there are not man and woman, but the
idol of money, it is necessary to discard things. Children are discarded.”
“Just think,” he continued, “of
the birth rate in Europe: in Italy, Spain, France – and the elderly, [too], are
thrown away, with attitudes behind which there hides a form of euthanasia. [The
elderly] are no longer useful – and that which is not useful is to be tossed
aside,” he said.
There is no greater disunity than that which causes us to
reject, neglect, or even kill certain categories of human beings. The root of
this is failure to recognize that we are all “equal in majesty.” And this
failure is largely due to the flaw in our culture that makes us “divided in splendor.”
Through the protocol of social customs we treat some people as if they deserved
more respect than others. This inevitably creates the mindset that some people
are more important than others, and that they have more value than others.

Jesus calls us to a “change of mind” about the unity of the
human race. He calls us to recognize we are all “equal in majesty,” and should
be “undivided in splendor.”
Jesus came to make us like God. God is One. Therefore Jesus
came to make us one. Even his enemies—unwittingly—recognized it: “Caiaphas, who
was high priest that year… prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the
nation, and not only for the nation, but also to gather into one the dispersed
children of God.” Jesus himself said, “Whoever is not with me is against me,
and whoever does not gather with me scatters” (Matthew 12:30).
Do I choose to let Jesus change my
sense of unity with other members of the human race?
Pray: “Lord,
make us all one, as you, the Father and the Spirit are one.”
Practice: Treat
everyone with equal respect.
Discuss: What makes us look on some
people as “better” than others?