Saturday, August 2, 2014

Feed the Hungry—And Those Who Should be

August 3: Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time:
Isaiah 55:1-3; Psalm 145:8-9, 15-16, 17-18; Romans 8:35, 37-39; Matthew 14:13-21

Thoughts to help us surrender to Jesus expressing himself through us in ministry.

“All you who are thirsty, come.” Isaiah 55:1

There should never be hunger on earth. There are enough resources to feed everyone, if we were all as concerned about the whole human race as about our own families. Faith in God the Father tells us we are all one family. We forget that.

We should be even more concerned to feed those who hunger for God; especially those who do not know they do. An authentically human life cannot survive on bread alone. Now that the Bread of heaven is available on earth, those indifferent to it are not in touch with the insatiable hunger of their own hearts.

How can we help them?

First, be so different they approach you with questions.

Second, observe people. Ask indiscreet questions. Find out who is searching and who isn’t but ought to be.

Third, intervene. Offer unsolicited advice (like “Stop!” before someone runs into a car). Lend a book. Invite a friend to Mass. Pray with someone in trouble. Talk about God as predictably as others show you pictures on their smartphone.

What passes for discretion is really indifference. And fear. Just extend the boundaries of “politically correct” inquiries. What would you ignore in your sister? Are you your brother’s keeper? Already asked and answered.

PRAY: “Lord, let me give them something to eat.”

PRACTICE: Watch Jesus at Mass giving himself to people in Communion. Be his “eucharistic minister” to everyone you meet.

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