May 3, 2015
We are Called to Bear Fruit
by Living Union with Jesus
Inventory (Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B)
Entrance Antiphon invites us to: “Sing to the Lord” because he has “done marvelous deeds” and “revealed
his saving power” (Psalm 97).
What “marvelous deeds” of God have I experienced? How do I see his “saving
power” revealed in the Church and in the world today?
In the
(alternative) Opening Prayer we ask
God to “give us voice to sing your praise.”
Why? Because God has “revealed to the
nations” his saving power and “filled
all ages with the words of a new song.” The spirit of the Church is a
spirit of praise for what God is
doing and has done — and is doing still through us.
The Challenge of Grace:
The Responsorial Psalm tells us that when
the Church assembles, the pervading spirit should be praise: “I will praise you,
Lord, in the assembly of the people” (Psalm 22).
But in Acts 9: 26-31 we see that praise
presupposes something. It presupposes openness to the “more” of God and to the
blessed challenge of living “life to the full” by grace.
(renamed “Paul” in Acts 13:9) caused panic when he tried to join the Christians
he formerly persecuted. They “refused to believe he was a disciple.” But the
real trouble came when he preached Jesus to the Greek-speaking Jews in
Jerusalem. They “responded by trying to kill him.” What was their problem?
It was
another kind of fear: fear that Saul was destroying their way of life,
introducing change into their religion, calling into question the rigidly
secure, unshaking structure of their religious laws. Jesus was a threat,
because Jesus called them to be more than Jews; that is, more than adherents to
a particular cultural embodiment of God’s revelation. Jesus was calling them,
not to deny what they knew, but to go through it and beyond it in order to know
God more deeply. And Saul was speaking for Jesus.
We have
the same problem today when people, instead of finding joy in church, praising
God because he has “revealed to the
nations” his saving power and “filled
all ages with the words of a new song,” prefer to focus on the sustaining
discipline of rules and regulations. They seek assurance from a checklist of
freeze-dried doctrines and simplified moral observances instead of opening
themselves to the boundless challenge of responding to the infinite truth and
love revealed in Jesus Christ. They try to “kill” any voice that shakes the
structure or “opens the windows” (the phrase of John XXIII when he called for
the Second Vatican Council) to clearer, deeper understanding of the un-codifiable
revelation of God. Their devotion is to desiccated doctrines instead of to the
living voice of Jesus who, though “the same yesterday
and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8), continues to “fill all ages with the words of a new song”
as the Church reflects more deeply on Scripture and revisits the roots of her
tradition. They are dry branches devoid of fruit. They come alive only to stone
the prophets.
The Law of Love
1John 3: 18-24 tells us to stop talking
so much about what is right and wrong in the Church, and to concentrate instead
of living out the love Jesus taught
us: “Let us love in deed and in truth and not merely talk about it.”
This is
how we know we are “orthodox” and “committed to the truth.” To know if we are
“at peace” with God we have to ask if we are at peace with our own consciences
— and with others.
doesn’t recommend we measure our behavior against a whole checklist of laws. We
can lose the forest for the trees by doing that. He tells us to go straight to
the “law of all laws”: the law of love. Jesus’ commandment “is this: …to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus
Christ” (that is, to build an intimate relationship of friendship and love with
the person of Jesus above all things) and to “love one another as he commanded us.” If we do this we will
experience the “fruit of the Spirit” — “love, joy and peace” (Galatians 5:22).
This is the first fruit of grace.
“Live on in me”
The Christian religion is not a religion of doctrines and
laws, or even of “love” understood as a human virtue. Nothing we believe or do
can make us Christians. To be a Christian is to receive a new life. The
word “grace” means “the favor of sharing in the divine life of God.” The
only way to be “Christian” is to be “in Christ” as a member of his body.
In John 15: 1-8 Jesus
makes it clear that in Christianity everything depends on being united to Christ. “I am the vine, you
are the branches… apart from me you can do nothing.” The first, middle and last
thing a Christian should be asking all day long is, “Am I doing this in union
with Christ? On this job, on this date, in this conversation, in this
undertaking is Christ acting in me and through me?” If not, then the words of a
famous American apply, “I shoulda stood in bed!”
Our goal as Christians is to live always — as much as
possible, as deeply as possible, as constantly as possible — in conscious union with Jesus Christ, who
is living in us as we are living in him. He is the vine, we are the branches.
We can do nothing except by his life coursing through us, which means his
thoughts inspiring our thoughts, his voice speaking through our words, his love
expressing itself though our love, his goals, principles and values directing
every choice and decision we make. “If you live
in me and my words stay part of you, you may ask what you will” – and we
will “bear fruit” that renews the world!
How do I – or could I — remain conscious of acting in union
with Christ all day long? What can I do to make his “words remain” in me?
Say frequently throughout the day, “Lord, let me
think with your thoughts and speak with your words and act as your body on
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