Thursday, May 8, 2014

Light in the Darkness

May 8 Thursday of the 3rd week of Easter
A thought for those who want to bear prophetic witness through lifestyle
Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; John 6:4-51

“Bless our God, you peoples, loudly sound his praise;  Psalm 66:8
He has given life to our souls,.”

The proof that God “has given life to our souls” is that we show it in our actions. When we speak in a way that doesn’t make sense without the enlightenment of faith, we reveal the light of God in us. When we act in a way that is impossible—for us, at least —without the empowerment of grace, we reveal the life of Christ in us. And when we do things that cannot be explained without God’s inspiration, like Philip running up to the chariot, we know we are listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit—especially when obvious good comes from it.

Philip could explain the Scripture passage the court official was reading, because he knew that Jesus saved the world by accepting death on the cross. Once one understands the mystery of Christ’s life, death and resurrection, a lot of other things cease to be mysteries. Death, for example; and suffering; and why so many powerful people seem to get away with murder.

Philip had the key to it: “Beginning with the Scripture passage, he proclaimed Jesus to him.” If we understand the mystery of Jesus, we can say with credibility,  “Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.

PRAY: ““Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.

PRACTICE: Live in a way that raises questions and answers them.

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