Saturday, October 1, 2016



Most of the bad things that happen on earth are the result of our failure to follow the “manufacturer’s instructions.” We count on God to forgive and to empower us, as his stewards, to change all that diminishes the quality of life on earth.

Jesus invites us to become more alive by becoming less complacent, more aware. God’s disturbance holds the promise of peace. “Worry” doesn’t.

Our faith: How many of these statements do you believe? And live?
If we don’t see the reflection of our personal choices in all that is wrong in our country, we are not connecting the dots. We are letting sin blind us.

If we open our eyes and look at what God is, we will have the courage to look at what the world (and our life in it) is becoming and draw hope to act against it.

The farther we are physically from the poor, the more we have to make sure we are informed about their condition, so as not to answer as Cain did: “I do not know.”
God does not send suffering to punish sin; but most suffering is in some way traceable to the free choices of countless individuals. To work for the reign of God is to counteract bad choices by choices that repair.

We can question, we can argue with God; but the bottom line is, God knows all and compared to him we know nothing. So we can seek answers but not demand them.

Afflictions force us to get down to what is real in our religion, and to make real for ourselves what we have only heard and passively accepted.

Luke 9: 46-50: To do great things for the kingdom, we need to do small things for the “little“ people: children and those whom the world does not consider important.

Luke 9: 51-56: The Samaritans’ cultural reaction was to reject Jesus the Jew instead of getting to know Jesus the person. His disciples’ was to “call down fire from heaven.” With Jesus power and force are out; vulnerability and mercy are in.

Luke 9: 57-62 makes us face our priorities: how much am I willing to sacrifice to work against the abuses I see in my family, social, professional, political milieu?

Luke 10: 1-12: The Good News won’t be perceived as good by everyone. But regardless of acceptance or opposition, the world is going to be transformed.

Luke 10: 13-16: We need to listen to Jesus speaking in one another: in leaders as well as in authorities; in all who by Baptism are stewards of his kingship.

Luke 10: 17-24: Jesus sent out lay disciples with the authority, not of official position, but of de facto leadership. “Clericalism” is contrary to the Gospel.

Make contact with the poor in some way. Trust God and keep working for change.

Make faith your answer to appearances. In leadership seek union with God’s heart.

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